• Posted by Konstantin 21.03.2017 No Comments

    Ever since Erwin Schrödinger described a thought experiment, in which a cat in a sealed box happened to be "both dead and alive at the same time", popular science writers have been relying on it heavily to convey the mysteries of quantum physics to the layman. Unfortunately, instead of providing any useful intuition, this example has instead laid solid base to a whole bunch of misconceptions. Having read or heard something about the strange cat, people would tend to jump to profound conclusions, such as "according to quantum physics, cats can be both dead and alive at the same time" or "the notion of a conscious observer is important in quantum physics". All of these are wrong, as is the image of a cat, who is "both dead and alive at the same time". The corresponding Wikipedia page does not stress this fact well enough, hence I thought the Internet might benefit from a yet another explanatory post.

    The Story of the Cat

    The basic notion in quantum mechanics is a quantum system. Pretty much anything could be modeled as a quantum system, but the most common examples are elementary particles, such as electrons or photons. A quantum system is described by its state. For example, a photon has polarization, which could be vertical or horizontal. Another prominent example of a particle's state is its wave function, which represents its position in space.

    There is nothing special about saying that things have state. For example, we may say that any cat has a "liveness state", because it can be either "dead" or "alive". In quantum mechanics we would denote these basic states using the bra-ket notation as |\mathrm{dead}\rangle and |\mathrm{alive}\rangle. The strange thing about quantum mechanical systems, though, is the fact that quantum states can be combined together to form superpositions. Not only could a photon have a purely vertical polarization \left|\updownarrow\right\rangle or a purely horizontal polarization \left|\leftrightarrow\right\rangle, but it could also be in a superposition of both vertical and horizontal states:

        \[\left|\updownarrow\right\rangle + \left|\leftrightarrow\right\rangle.\]

    This means that if you asked the question "is this photon polarized vertically?", you would get a positive answer with 50% probability - in another 50% of cases the measurement would report the photon as horizontally-polarized. This is not, however, the same kind of uncertainty that you get from flipping a coin. The photon is not either horizontally or vertically polarized. It is both at the same time.

    Amazed by this property of quantum systems, Schrödinger attempted to construct an example, where a domestic cat could be considered to be in the state

        \[|\mathrm{dead}\rangle + |\mathrm{alive}\rangle,\]

    which means being both dead and alive at the same time. The example he came up with, in his own words (citing from Wikipedia), is the following:

    Schrodingers_cat.svgA cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The first atomic decay would have poisoned it.

    The idea is that after an hour of waiting, the radiactive substance must be in the state

        \[|\mathrm{decayed}\rangle + |\text{not decayed}\rangle,\]

    the poison flask should thus be in the state

        \[|\mathrm{broken}\rangle + |\text{not broken}\rangle,\]

    and the cat, consequently, should be

        \[|\mathrm{dead}\rangle + |\mathrm{alive}\rangle.\]

    Correct, right? No.

    The Cat Ensemble

    Superposition, which is being "in both states at once" is not the only type of uncertainty possible in quantum mechanics. There is also the "usual" kind of uncertainty, where a particle is in either of two states, we just do not exactly know which one. For example, if we measure the polarization of a photon, which was originally in the superposition \left|\updownarrow\right\rangle + \left|\leftrightarrow\right\rangle, there is a 50% chance the photon will end up in the state \left|\updownarrow\right\rangle after the measurement, and a 50% chance the resulting state will be \left|\leftrightarrow\right\rangle. If we do the measurement, but do not look at the outcome, we know that the resulting state of the photon must be either of the two options. It is not a superposition anymore. Instead, the corresponding situation is described by a statistical ensemble:

        \[\{\left|\updownarrow\right\rangle: 50\%, \quad\left|\leftrightarrow\right\rangle: 50\%\}.\]

    Although it may seem that the difference between a superposition and a statistical ensemble is a matter of terminology, it is not. The two situations are truly different and can be distinguished experimentally. Essentially, every time a quantum system is measured (which happens, among other things, every time it interacts with a non-quantum system) all the quantum superpositions are "converted" to ensembles - concepts native to the non-quantum world. This process is sometimes referred to as decoherence.

    Now recall the Schrödinger's cat. For the cat to die, a Geiger counter must register a decay event, triggering a killing procedure. The registration within the Geiger counter is effectively an act of measurement, which will, of course, "convert" the superposition state into a statistical ensemble, just like in the case of a photon which we just measured without looking at the outcome. Consequently, the poison flask will never be in a superposition of being "both broken and not". It will be either, just like any non-quantum object should. Similarly, the cat will also end up being either dead or alive - you just cannot know exactly which option it is before you peek into the box. Nothing special or quantum'y about this.

    The Quantum Cat

    "But what gives us the right to claim that the Geiger counter, the flask and the cat in the box are "non-quantum" objects?", an attentive reader might ask here. Could we imagine that everything, including the cat, is a quantum system, so that no actual measurement or decoherence would happen inside the box? Could the cat be "both dead and alive" then?

    Indeed, we could try to model the cat as a quantum system with |\mathrm{dead}\rangle and |\mathrm{alive}\rangle being its basis states. In this case the cat indeed could end up in the state of being both dead and alive. However, this would not be its most exciting capability. Way more suprisingly, we could then kill and revive our cat at will, back and forth, by simply measuring its liveness state appropriately. It is easy to see how this model is unrepresentative of real cats in general, and the worry about them being able to be in superposition is just one of the many inconsistencies. The same goes for the flask and the Geiger counter, which, if considered to be quantum systems, get the magical abilities to "break" and "un-break", "measure" and "un-measure" particles at will. Those would certainly not be a real world flask nor a counter anymore.

    The Cat Multiverse

    There is one way to bring quantum superposition back into the picture, although it requires some rather abstract thinking. There is a theorem in quantum mechanics, which states that any statistical ensemble can be regarded as a partial view of a higher-dimensional superposition. Let us see what this means. Consider a (non-quantum) Schrödinger's cat. As it might be hopefully clear from the explanations above, the cat must be either dead or alive (not both), and we may formally represent this as a statistical ensemble:

        \[\{\left|\text{dead}\right\rangle: 50\%, \quad\left|\text{alive}\right\rangle: 50\%\}.\]

    It turns out that this ensemble is mathematically equivalent in all respects to a superposition state of a higher order:

        \[\left|\text{Universe A}, \text{dead}\right\rangle + \left|\text{Universe B}, \text{alive}\right\rangle,\]

    where "Universe A" and "Universe B" are some abstract, unobservable "states of the world". The situation can be interpreted by imagining two parallel universes: one where the cat is dead and one where it is alive. These universes exist simultaneously in a superposition, and we are present in both of them at the same time, until we open the box. When we do, the universe superposition collapses to a single choice of the two options and we are presented with either a dead, or a live cat.

    Yet, although the universes happen to be in a superposition here, existing both at the same time, the cat itself remains completely ordinary, being either totally dead or fully alive, depending on the chosen universe. The Schrödinger's cat is just a cat, after all.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 17.11.2016 3 Comments

    Mass on a spring

    Imagine a weight hanging on a spring. Let us pull the weight a bit and release it into motion. What will its motion look like? If you remember some of your high-school physics, you should probably answer that the resulting motion is a simple harmonic oscillation, best described by a sinewave. Although this is a fair answer, it actually misses an interesting property of real-life springs. A property most people don't think much about, because it goes a bit beyond the high school curriculum. This property is best illustrated by

    The Slinky Drop

    The "slinky drop" is a fun little experiment which has got its share of internet fame.

    The Slinky Drop

    The Slinky Drop

    When the top end of a suspended slinky is released, the bottom seems to patiently wait for the top to arrive before starting to fall as well. This looks rather unexpected. After all, we know that things fall down according to a parabola, and we know that springs collapse according to a sinewave, however neither of the two rules seem to apply here. If you browse around, you will see lots of awesome videos demonstrating or explaining this effect. There are news articles, forum discussions, blog posts and even research papers dedicated to the magical slinky. However, most of them are either too sketchy or too complex, and none seem to mention the important general implications, so let me give a shot at another explanation here.

    The Slinky Drop Explained Once More

    Let us start with the classical, "high school" model of a spring. The spring has some length L in the relaxed state, and if we stretch it, making it longer by \Delta L, the two ends of the spring exert a contracting force of k\Delta L. Assume we hold the top of the spring at the vertical coordinate y_{\mathrm{top}}=0 and have it balance out. The lower end will then position at the coordinate y_{\mathrm{bot}} = -(L+mg/k), where the gravity force mg is balanced out exactly by the spring force.

    How would the two ends of the spring behave if we let go off the top now? Here's how:

    The falling spring, version 1

    The horozontal axis here denotes the time, the vertical axis - is the vertical position. The blue curve is the trajectory of the top end of the spring, the green curve - trajectory of the bottom end. The dotted blue line is offset from the blue line by exactly L - the length of the spring in relaxed state.

    Observe that the lower end (the green curve), similarly to the slinky, "waits" for quite a long time for the top to approach before starting to move with discernible velocity. Why is it the case? The trajectory of the lower point can be decomposed in two separate movements. Firstly, the point is trying to fall down due to gravity, following a parabola. Secondly, the point is being affected by string tension and thus follows a cosine trajectory. Here's how the two trajectories look like separately:

    They are surprisingly similar at the start, aren't they? And indeed, the cosine function does resemble a parabola up to o(x^3). Recall the corresponding Taylor expansion:

        \[\cos(x) = 1 - \frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^4}{24} + \dots \approx 1 - \frac{x^2}{2}.\]

    If we align the two curves above, we can see how well they match up at the beginning:

    Consequently, the two forces happen to "cancel" each other long enough to leave an impression that the lower end "waits" for the upper for some time. This effect is, however, much more pronounced in the slinky. Why so?

    Because, of course, a single spring is not a good model for the slinky. It is more correct to regard a slinky as a chain of strings. Observe what happens if we model the slinky as a chain of just three simple springs:

    Each curve here is the trajectory of one of the nodes inbetween the three individual springs. We can see that the top two curves behave just like a single spring did - the green node waits a bit for the blue and then starts moving. The red one, however, has to wait longer, until the green node moves sufficiently far away. The bottom, in turn, will only start moving observably when the red node approaches it close enough, which means it has to wait even longer yet - by that time the top has already arrived. If we consider a more detailed model, the movement  of a slinky composed of, say, 9 basic springs, the effect of intermediate nodes "waiting" becomes even more pronounced:

    To make a "mathematically perfect" model of a slinky we have to go to the limit of having infinitely many infinitely small springs. Let's briefly take a look at how that solution looks like.

    The Continuous Slinky

    Let x denote the coordinate of a point on a "relaxed" slinky. For example, in the two discrete models above the slinky had 4 and 10 points, numbered 1,\dots, 4 and 1,\dots, 10 respectively. The continuous slinky will have infinitely many points numbered [0,1].

    Let h(x,t) denote the vertical coordinate of a point x at time t. The acceleration of point x at time t is then, by definition \frac{\partial^2 h(x,t)}{\partial^2 t}, and there are two components affecting it: the gravitational pull -g and the force of the spring.

    The spring force acting on a point x is proportional to the stretch of the spring at that point \frac{\partial h(x,t)}{\partial x}. As each point is affected by the stretch from above and below, we have to consider a difference of the "top" and "bottom" stretches, which is thus the derivative of the stretch, i.e. \frac{\partial^2 h(x,t)}{\partial^2 x}. Consequently, the dynamics of the slinky can be described by the equation:

        \[\frac{\partial^2 h(x,t)}{\partial^2 t} = a\frac{\partial^2 h(x,t)}{\partial^2 x} - g.\]

    where a is some positive constant. Let us denote the second derivatives by h_{tt} and h_{xx}, replace a with v^2 and rearrange to get:

    (1)   \[h_{tt} - v^2 h_{xx} = -g,\]

    which is known as the wave equation. The name stems from the fact that solutions to this equation always resemble "waves" propagating at a constant speed v through some medium. In our case the medium will be the slinky itself. Now it becomes apparent that, indeed, the lower end of the slinky should not move before the wave of disturbance, unleashed by releasing the top end, reaches it. Most of the explanations of the slinky drop seem to refer to that fact. However when it is stated alone, without the wave-equation-model context, it is at best a rather incomplete explanation.

    Given how famous the equation is, it is not too hard to solve it. We'll need to do it twice - first to find the initial configuration of a suspended slinky, then to compute its dynamics when the top is released.

    In the beginning the slinky must satisfy h_t(x, t) = 0 (because it is not moving at all), h(0, t) = 0 (because the top end is located at coordinate 0), and h_x(1, t) = 0 (because there is no stretch at the bottom). Combining this with (1) and searching for a polynomial solution, we get:

        \[h(x, t) = h_0(x) = \frac{g}{2v^2}x(x-2).\]

    Next, we release the slinky, hence the conditions h_t(x,t)=0 and h(0,t)=0 disappear and we may use the d'Alembert's formula with reflected boundaries to get the solution:

        \[h(x,t) = \frac{1}{2}(\phi(x-vt) + \phi(x+vt)) - \frac{gt^2}{2},\]

        \[\text{ where }\phi(x) = h_0(\mathrm{mod}(x, 2)).\]

    Here's how the solution looks like visually:

    Notice how the part of the slinky to which the wave has not arrived yet, stays completely fixed in place. Here are the trajectories of 4 equally-spaced points on the slinky:

    Note how, quite surprisingly, all points of the slinky are actually moving with a constant speed, changing it abruptly at certain moments. Somewhat magically, the mean of all these piecewise-linear trajectories (i.e. the trajectory of the center of mass of the slinky) is still a smooth parabola, just as it should be:

    The Secret of Spring Motion

    Now let us come back to where we started. Imagine a weight on a spring. What will its motion be like? Obviously, any real-life spring is, just like the slinky, best modeled not as a Hooke's simple spring, but rather via the wave equation. Which means that when you let go off the weight, the weight will send a deformation wave, which will move along the spring back and forth, affecting the pure sinewave movement you might be expecting from the simple Hooke's law. Watch closely:

    Here is how the movement of the individual nodes looks like:

    The fat red line is the trajectory of the weight, and it is certainly not a sinewave. It is a curve inbetween the piecewise-linear "sawtooth" (which is the limit case when the weight is zero) and the true sinusoid (which is the limit case when the mass of the spring is zero). Here's how the zero-weight case looks like:

    And this is the other extreme - the massless spring:

    These observations can be summarized into the following obviously-sounding conclusion: the basic Hooke's law applies exactly only to the the massless spring. Any real spring has a mass and thus forms an oscillation wave traveling back and forth along its length, which will interfere with the weight's simple harmonic oscillation, making it "less simple and harmonic". Luckily, if the mass of the weight is large enough, this interference is negligible.

    And that is, in my opinion, one of the interesting, yet often overlooked aspects of spring motion.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 21.05.2015 No Comments

    Here's a curious quote from Alan Turing's famous paper from 1950:

    Overwhelming evidence

    Makes you appreciate how seriously one person's wishful thinking, coupled with dedication and publicity skills, may sometimes affect the scientific world.


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  • Posted by Konstantin 26.09.2012 4 Comments

    The issues related to scientific publishing, peer-review and funding always make for popular discussion topics at conferences. In fact, the ongoing ECML PKDD 2012 had a whole workshop, where researchers could complain about discuss some of their otherwise interesting results that were hard or impossible to publish. The rejection reasons ranged from "a negative result" or "too small to be worthy of publication" to "lack of theoretical justification". The overall consensus seemed to be that this is indeed a problem, at least in the field of machine learning.

    The gist of the problem is the following. Machine learning relies a lot on computational experiments - empirically measuring the performance of methods in various contexts. The current mainstream methodology suggests that such experiments should primarily play a supportive role, either demonstrating a general theoretic statement, or simply measuring the exact magnitude of the otherwise obvious benefit. This, unfortunately, leaves no room for "unexpected" experimental results, where the measured behaviour of a method is either contradicting or at least not explained by the available theory. Including such results in papers is very difficult, if not impossible, as they get criticised heavily by the reviewers. A reviewer expects all results in the paper to make sense. If anything is strange, it should either be explained or would better be disregarded as a mistake. This is a natural part of the quality assurance process in science as a whole.

    Quite often, though, unexpected results in computational experiments do happen. They typically have little relevance to the main topic of the paper, and the burden of explaining them can be just too large for a researcher to pursue. It is way easier to either drop the corresponding measurement, or find a dataset that behaves "nicely". As a result, a lot of  relevant information about such cases never sees the light of day. Thus, again and again, other researchers would continue stumbling on similar unexpected results, but continue shelving them away.

    The problem would not be present if the researchers cared to, say, write up such results as blog posts or tech-reports in ArXiv, thus making the knowledge available. However, even formulating the unexpected discoveries in writing, let along go any deeper, is often regarded as a waste of time that won't get the researcher much (if any) credit. Indeed, due to how the scientific funding works nowadays, the only kind of credit that counts for a scientist is (co-)authoring a publication in a "good" journal or conference.

    I believe that with time, science will evolve to naturally accommodate such smaller pieces of research into its process (mini-, micro-, nano-publications?), providing the necessary incentives for the researchers to expose, rather than shelve their "unexpected" results. Meanwhile, though, other methods could be employed, and one of the ideas that I find interesting is the concept I'd call "co-authorship licensing".

    Instead of ignoring a "small", "insignificant", or an "unexpected" result, the researcher should consider publishing it as either a blog post or a short (yet properly written) tech report. He should then add an explicit requirement, that the material may be referred to, cited, or used as-is in a "proper" publication (a journal or a conference paper) with the condition that the author of the post must be included in the author's list of the paper.

    I feel there could be multiple benefits to such an approach. Firstly, it non-invasively addresses the drawbacks of the current science funding model. If being cited as a co-author is the only real credit that counts in the scientific world, why not use it explicitly and thus allow to effectively "trade" smaller pieces of research. Secondly, it enables a meaningful separation of work. "Doing research" and "publishing papers" are two very different types of activities. Some scientists, who are good at producing interesting experimental results or observations, can be completely helpless when it comes to the task of getting their results published. On the other hand, those, who are extremely talented in presenting and organizing results into high-quality papers, may often prefer the actual experimentation to be done by someone else. Currently, the two activities have to be performed by the same person or, at best, by the people working at the same lab. Otherwise, if the obtained results are not immediately "properly" published, there is no incentive for the researchers to expose them. "Co-authorship licensing" could provide this incentive, acting as an open call for collaboration at the same time. (In fact, the somewhat ugly "licensing" term could be replaced with a friendlier equivalent, such as "open collaboration invitation", for example. I do feel, though, that it is more important to stress that others are allowed to collaborate rather than that someone is invited to).

    I'll conclude with three hypothetical examples.

    • A Bachelor's student makes a nice empirical study of System X in his thesis, but has no idea how to turn this to a journal article. He publishes his work in ArXiv under "co-authorship license", where it is found by a PhD student working in this area, who was lacking exactly those results for his next paper.
    • A data miner at company X, as a side-effect of his work, ends up with a large-scale evaluation of learning algorithm Y on an interesting dataset. He puts those results up as a "co-authorship licensed" report. It is discovered by a researcher, who is preparing a review paper about algorithm Y and is happy to include such results.
    • A bioinformatician discovers unexpected behaviour of algorithm X on a particular dataset. He writes his findings up as a blog post with a "co-authorship license", where those are discovered by a machine learning researcher, who is capable of explaining the results, putting them in context, and turning into an interesting paper.

    It seems to me that without the use of "co-authorship licensing" the situations above would end in no productive results, as they do nowadays.

    Of course, this all will only make sense once many people give it a thought. Unfortunately, no one reads this blog 🙂

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  • Posted by Konstantin 16.03.2011 No Comments

    This is a (slightly modified) write-up of a part of a lecture I did for the "Welcome to Computer Science" course last semester.

    Part I. Humans Discover the World

    How it all started

    Millions of years ago humans were basically monkeys. Our ape-like ancestors enjoyed a happy existence in the great wide world of Nature. Their life was simple, their minds were devoid of thought, and their actions were guided by simple cause-and-effect mechanisms. Although for a modern human it might seem somewhat counterintuitive or even hard to imagine, the ability to think or understand is, in fact, completely unnecessary to succesfully survive in this world. As long as a living creature knows how to properly react to the various external stimuli, it will do just fine. When an ape sees something scary — ape runs. When an ape seems something tasty — ape eats. When an ape sees another ape — ape acts according to whatever action pattern is wired into its neural circuits. Does the ape understand what is happening and make choices? Not really — it is all about rather basic cause and effect.

    As time went by, evolution blessed our ape-like ancestors with some extra brain tissue. Now they could develop more complicated reaction mechanisms and, in particular, they started to remember things. Note that, in my terminology here, "remembering" is not the same as "learning". Learning is about simple adaptation. For example, an animal can learn that a particular muscle movement is necessary to get up on a tree — a couple of failed attempts will rewire its neural circuit to perform this action as necessary. One does not even need a brain to learn — the concentration of proteins in a bacteria will adjust to fit the particular environment, essentially demonstrating a learning ability. "Remembering", however, requires some analytical processing.


    It is easy to learn to flex a particular finger muscle whenever you feel like climbing up a tree, but it is a totally different matter to actually note that you happen to regularly perform this action somewhy. It is even more complicated to see that the same finger action is performed both when you climb a tree and when you pick a banana. Recognizing such analogies between actions and events is not plain "learning" any more. It is not about fine-tuning the way a particular cause-and-effect reflex is working. It is a kind of information processing. As such, it requires a certain amount of "memory" to store information about previous actions and some pattern analysis capability to be able to detect similarities, analogies and patterns in the stored observations. Those are precisely the functions that were taken over by the "extra" brain tissue.

    So, the apes started "remembering", noticing analogies and making generalization. Once the concept of "grabbing" is recognized as a recurring pattern, the idea of grabbing a stone instead of a tree branch is not far away. Further development of the brain lead to better "remembering" capabilities, more and more patterns discovered in the surrounding world, which eventually lead to the birth of symbolic processing in our brains.


    What is "grabbing"? It is an abstract notion, a recurring pattern, recognized by one of our brain circuits. The fact that we have this particular circuit allows us to recognize further occurrences of "grabbing" and generalize this idea in numerous ways. Hence, "grabbing" is just a symbol, a neural entity that helps our brains to describe a particular regularity in our lives.

    As time went by, prehistoric humans became aware (or, let me say "became conscious") of more and more patterns, and developed more symbols. More symbols meant better awareness of the surrounding world and its capabilities (hence, the development of tools), more elaborate communication abilities (hence, the birth of language), and, recursively, better analytic abilities (because using symbols, you can search for patterns among patterns).

    Symbols are immensely useful. Symbols are our way of being aware of the world, our way of controlling this world, our way of living in this world. The best thing about them is that they are easily spread. It may have taken centuries of human analytical power to note how the Sun moves along the sky, and how a shadow can be used to track time. But once this pattern has been discovered, it can be recorded and used infinitely. We are then free to go searching for other new exciting patterns. They are right in front of us, we just need to look hard. This makes up an awesome game for the humankind to play — find patterns, get rewards by gaining more control of the world, achieve better life quality, feel good, everyone wins! Not surprisingly, humans have been actively playing this game since the beginning of time. This game is what defines humankind, this is what drives its modern existence.


    Galelio's experiment

    "All things fall down" — here's an apparently obvious pattern, which is always here, ready to be verified. And yet it took humankind many years to discover even its most basic properties. It seems that the europeans, at least, did not care much about this essential phenomenon until the XVIIth century. Only after going through millenia self-deception, followed by centuries of extensive aggression, devastating epidemics, and wild travels, the europeans found the time to sit down and just look around. This is when Galileo found out that, oh gosh, stuff falls down. Moreover, it does so with the same velocity independently of its size. In order to illustrate this astonishing fact he had to climb on to the tower of Pisa, throw steel balls down and measure the fall time using his own heartbeat.

    In fact, the late Renaissance was most probably the time when europeans finally became aware of the game of science (after all, this is also a pattern that had to be discovered). People opened their eyes and started looking around. They understood that there are patterns waiting to be discovered. You couldn't see them well, and you had to look hard. Naturally, and somewhat ironically, the sky was the place they looked towards the most.

    Patterns in the Sky

    Tycho Brahe

    Tycho Brahe, a contemporary of Galileo, was a rich nobleman. As many other rich noblemen of his time, he was excited about the sky and spent his nights as an astronomer. He truly believed there are patterns in planetary motions, and even though he could not see them immediately, he carefully recorded daily positions of the stars and planets, resulting in a vast dataset of observations. The basic human "remembering" ability was not enough anymore — the data had to be stored on an external medium. Tycho carefully guarded his measurements, hoping to discover as much as possible himself, but he was not the one to find the pattern of planetary motion. His assistant, Johannes Kepler got a hold of the data after Tycho's death. He studied the data and came up with three simple laws which described the movements of planets around the Sun. The laws were somewhat weird (the planets are claimed to sweep equal areas along an ellipse for no apparent reason), but they fit the data well.

    Kepler's Laws

    This story perfectly mirrors basic human pattern discovery. There, a human first observes the world, then uses his brain to remember the observations, analyze them, find a simple regularity, and come up with an abstract summarizing symbol. Here the exact same procedure is performed on a larger scale: a human performs observations, a paper medium is used to store them, another human's mind is used to perform the analysis, the result is a set of summarizing laws.

    Isaac Newton

    Still a hundred years later, Isaac Newton looked hard at both Galileo's and Kepler's models and managed to summarize them further into a single equation: the law of gravity. It is somewhat weird (everything is claimed to be attracted to everything for no apparent reason), but it fits the data well. And the game is not over yet, three centuries later we are still looking hard to understand Gravity.

    Where are we going

    As we play the game, we gradually run out of the "obvious" patterns. Detecting new laws of nature and society becomes more and more complicated. Tycho Brahe had to delegate his "memory" capabilities to paper. In the 20th century, the advent of automation helped us to delegate not only "memory", but the observation process itself. Astronomers do not have to sit at their telescopes and manually write down stellar positions anymore — automated radar arrays keep a constant watch on the sky. Same is true of most other science disciplines to various extents. The last part of this puzzle which is not fully automated yet is the analysis part. Not for long...

    Part II. Computers Discover the World

    Manufactured life

    Vacuum tube

    The development of electricity was the main industrial highlight of the XIXth century. One particularly important invention of that century was an incredibly versatile electrical device called the vacuum tube. A lightbulb is a vacuum tube. A neon lamp is a vacuum tube. A CRT television set is a vacuum tube. But, all the fancy glowing stuff aside, the most important function of a vacuum tube turned out to be its ability to act as an electric current switcher. Essentially, it allowed to hardwire a very simple program:

    if (wire1) then (output=wire2) else (output=wire3)

    It turns out that by wiring thousands of such simple switches together, it is possible to implement arbitrary algorithms. Those algorithms can take input signals, perform nontrivial transformations of those signals, and produce appropriate outputs. But the ability to process inputs and produce nontrivial reactions is, in fact, the key factor distinguishing the living beings from lifeless matter. Hence, religious, spiritual, philosophical and biological aspects aside, the invention of electronic computing was the first step towards manufacturing life.

    Of course, the first computers were not at all like our fellow living beings. They could not see or hear, nor walk or talk. They could only communicate via signals on electrical wires. They could not learn — there was no mechanisms to automaticaly rewire the switches in response to outside stimuli. Neither could they recognize and "remember" patterns in their inputs. In general, their hardwired algorithms seemed somewhat too simple and too predictable in comparison to living organisms.


    But development went on with an astonishing pace. The 1940's gave us the most important invention of the XXth century: the transistor. A transistor provides the same switching logic as a vacuum tube, but is tiny and power-efficient. Computers with millions and billions of transistors became gradually available. Memory technologies caught up: bytes grew into kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes (expect to see a cheap petabyte drive at your local computer store in less than 5 years). The advent of networking and the Internet, multicore and multiprocessor technologies followed closely. Nowadays the potential for creating complex, "nontrivial" lifelike behaviour is not limited so much by the hardware capabilities. The only problem left to solve is wiring the right program.


    The desire to manufacture "intelligence" surfaced early on in the history of computing. A device that can be programmed to compute, must be programmable to "think" too. This was the driving slogan for computer science research in most of the 1950-1980s. The main idea was that "thinking", a capability defining human intellectual superiority over fellow mammals, was mainly related to logical reasoning.

    "Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. => Hence, Socrates is mortal."

    As soon as we teach computers to perform such logical inferences, they will become capable of "thinking". Many years of research have been put in to this area and it was not in vain. By now, computers are indeed quite successful at performing logical inference, playing games and searching for solutions of complex discrete problems. But the catch is, this "thinking" does not feel like being proper "intelligence". It is still just a dumb preprogrammed cause-and-effect thing.

    The Turing Test

    Alan Turing

    A particular definition of "thinking" was provided by Alan Turing in his Turing test: let us define intelligence as a capability of imitating a human in a conversation, so that it would be indistinguishable from a real human. This is a hard goal to pursue. It obviously cannot be achieved by a bare logical inference engine. In order to imitate a human, computer has to know what a human knows, and that is a whole lot of knowledge. So, perhaps intelligence could be achieved by formalizing most of human knowledge within a powerful logical inference engine? This has been done, and done fairly well, but sadly, this still does not resemble real intelligence.

    Reasoning by Analogy

    Optical character recognition

    While hundreds of computer science researchers were struggling hard to create the ultimate knowledge-based logical system, real-life problems were waiting to be solved. No matter how good the computer became at solving abstract logical puzzles, he seemed helpless when faced with some of the most basic human tasks. Take, for example, character recognition. A single glimpse at a line of handwritten characters is enough for a human to recognize the letters (unless it is my handwriting, of course). But what logical inference should the computer do to perform it? Obviously, humans do not perform this task using reasoning, but rely on intuition instead. How can we "program" intuition?

    The only practical way to automate character recognition turned out to be rather simple, if not to say dumb. Just store many examples of actual handwritten characters. Whenever you need to recognize a character, find the closest match in that database and voila! Of course, there are details which I sweep under the carpet, but the essence is here: recognition of characters can only be done by "training" on a dataset of actual handwritten characters. The key part of this "training" lies, in turn, in recognizing (or defining) the analogies among letters. Thus, the "large" task of recognizing characters is reduced to a somewhat "smaller" task of finding out which letters are similar, and what features make them similar. But this is pattern recognition, not unlike the rudimentary "remembering" ability of the early human ancestors.

    The Meaning of Life

    Please, observe and find the regularity in the following list:

    • An ape observes its actions, recognizes regularities, and learns to purposefully grab things.
    • Galileo observes falling bodies, recognizes regularities, and leans to predict the falling behaviour.
    • Tycho Brahe observes stars, Johannes Keper recognizes regularities, and learns to predict planetary motion.
    • Isaac Newton observes various models, recognizes regularities, and develops a general model of gravity.
    • Computer observes handwritten characters, recognizes regularities, and learns to recognize characters.
    • Computer observes your mailbox, recognizes regularities, and learns to filter spam.
    • Computer observes natural language, recognizes regularities, and learns to translate.
    • Computer observes biological data, recognizes regularities, and discovers novel biology.

    Unexpectedly for us, we have stumbled upon a phenomemon, which, when implemented correctly, really "feels" like true intelligence. Hence, intelligence is not about logical inference nor extensive knowledge. It is all about the skill of recognizing regularities and patterns. Humans have evolved from preprogrammed cause-and-effect reflexes through simple "remembering" all the way towards fairly sophisticated pattern analysis. Computers now are following a similar path and are gradually joining us in The Game. There is still a long way to go, but we have a clear direction: The Intelligence, achieving which means basically "winning" The Game. If anything at all, this is the purpose of our existence - discovering all the regularities in the surrounding world for the sake of total domination of Nature. And we shall use the best intelligence we can craft to achieve it (unless we all die prematurely, of course, which would be sad, but someday some other species would appear to take a shot at the game).

    Epilogue. Strong AI

    There is a curious concept in the philosophical realms of computer science — "The Strong AI Hypothesis". It relates to the distinction between manufacturing "true consciousness" (so-called "strong AI") and creating "only a simulation of consciousness" (the "weak AI"). Although it is impossible to distinguish the two experimentally, there seems to be an emotional urge to make the distinction. This usually manifests in argumentation of the following kind: "System X is not true artificial intelligence, because it is a preprogrammed algorithm; Humans will never create true AI, because, unlike us, a preprogrammed algorithm will hever have free will; etc."

    Despite the seemingly unscientific nature of the issue, there is a way to look at it rationally. It is probably true that we shall never admit "true intelligence" nor "consciousness" to anything which acts according to an algorithm which is, in some sense, predictable or understandable by us. On the other hand, every complex system that we ever create, has to be made according to clearly understandable blueprints. The proper way of phrasing the "Strong AI" question is therefore the following: is it possible to create a system, which is built according to "simple" blueprints, and yet the behaviour of which is beyond our comprehension.

    Cellular automaton

    The answer to this question is not immediately clear, but my personal opinion is that it is a strong "yes". There are at least three kinds of approaches known nowadays, which provide a means for us to create something "smarter" than us. Firstly, using everything fractal, cellular, and generally chaotic is a simple recipe for producing uncomprehensibly complex behaviour from trivial rules. The problem with this approach, however, is that there is no good methodology for crafting any useful functions into a chaotic system.


    The second candidate is anything neural — obviously the choice of Mother Nature. Neural networks have the same property of being able to demonstrate behaviour, which is not immediately obvious from the neurons or the connections among them. We know how to train some types of networks and we have living examples to be inspired by. Nonetheless, it is still hard to actually "program" neural networks. Hence, the third and the most promising approach — general machine learning and pattern recognition.

    The idea of a pattern recognition-based system is to use a simple algorithm, accompanied by a huge dataset. Note that the distinction between the "algorithm" and the "dataset" here draws a clear boundary between two parts of a single system. The "algorithm" is the part which we need to understand and include in our "blueprints". The "data" is the remaining part, which we do not care knowing about. In fact, the data can be so vast, that no human is capable of grasping it completely. Collecting petabytes is no big deal these days any more. This is a perfect recipe for making a system which will be capable of demonstrating behaviour that would be unpredictable and "intelligent" enough for us to call it "free will".

    Think of it...

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  • Posted by Margus 25.10.2009 5 Comments

    That is, if we are lucky and everything is done according to the proper tradition of doing statistics with 1% confidence intervals. In practice, things are probably even worse (many use 5% for instance), but this is what you would expect when everyone used proper methodology.

    Think about it...

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