• Posted by Konstantin 05.04.2015 4 Comments

    When it comes to data analysis, there are hundreds of exciting approaches: simple summary statistics and hypothesis tests, various clustering methods, linear and nonlinear regression or classification techniques, neural networks of various types and depths, decision rules and frequent itemsets, feature extractors and dimension reductors, ensemble methods, bayesian approaches and graphical models, logic-based approaches and fuzzy stuff, ant colonies, genetic algorithms and other optimization methods, monte-carlo algorithms, sampling and density estimation, logic-based and graph methods. Don't even get me started on the numerous visualization techniques.

    This sheer number of options is, however, both a blessing and a curse at the same time. In many practical situations just having those methods at your disposal may pose more problems than solutions. First you need to pick one of the approaches that might possibly fit your purpose. Then you will try to adapt it appropriately, spend several iterations torturing the data only to obtain very dubious first results, come to the conclusion that most probably you are doing something wrong, reconvince yourself that you need to try harder in that direction, spend some more iterations testing various parameter settings. Nothing works as you want it to, so you start everything from scratch with another method to find yourself obtaining new, even more dubious results, torturing the data even further, getting tired of that and finally settling on something "intermediately decent", which "probably makes sense", although you are not so sure any more and feel frustrated.

    I guess life of a statistician was probably way simpler back in the days when you could run a couple of t-tests, or an F-test from a linear regression and call it a day. In fact, it seems that many experimental (e.g. wetlab) scientists still live in that kind of world, when it comes to analyzing their experimental results. The world of T-tests is cozy and safe. They don't get you frustrated. Unfortunately, t-tests can feel ad-hockish, because they force you to believe that something "is normally distributed". Also, in practice, they are mainly used to confirm the obvious rather than discover something new from the data. A simple scatterplot will most often be better than a t-test as an analysis method. Hence, I am not a big fan of T-tests. However, I do have my own favourite statistical method, which always feels cozy and safe, and never gets me frustrated. I tend to apply it whenever I see a chance. It is the Fisher exact test in the particular context of feature selection.

    My appreciation of it stems from my background in bioinformatics and some experience with motif detection in particular. Suppose you have measured the DNA sequences for a bunch of genes. What can you do to learn something new about the sequence structure from that data? One of your best bets is to first group your sequences according to some known criteria. Suppose you know from previous experiments that some of the genes are cancer-related whereas others are not. As soon as you have specified those groups, you can start making observations like the following: "It seems that 10 out of my 20 cancer-related genes have the subsequence GATGAG in their DNA code. The same sequence is present in only 5 out of 100 non-cancer-related ones. How probable would it be to obtain similar counts of GATGAG, if the two groups were picked randomly?" If the probability to get those counts at random is very low, then obviously there is something fishy about GATGAG and cancer - perhaps they are related. To compute this probability you will need to use the hypergeometric distribution, and the resulting test (i.e. the question "how probable is this situation in a random split?") is known as the Fishers' exact test.

    This simple logic (with a small addition of a multiple testing correction on top) has worked wonders for finding actually important short sequences on the DNA. Of course it is not limited to sequence search. One of our research group's most popular web tools uses the same approach to discover functional annotations, that are "significantly overrepresented" in a given group of genes. The same approach can be used to construct decision trees, and in pretty much any other "supervised learning" situation, where you have groups of objects and want to find binary features of those objects, associated with the groups.

    Although in general the Fisher test is just one particular measure of association, it is, as I noted above, rather "cozy and comfortable". It does not force me to make any weird assumptions, there is no "ad-hoc" aspect to it, it is simple to compute and, most importantly, in my experience it nearly always produces "relevant" results.

    Words overrepresented in the speeches of Greece MPs

    Words overrepresented in the speeches of Greece MPs

    A week ago me, Ilya and Alex happened to take part in a small data analysis hackathon, dedicated to the analysis of speech transcripts from the European Parliament. Somewhat analogously to DNA sequences, speeches can be grouped in various ways: you can group them by the speaker who gave them, by country, gender or political party of that speaker, by the month or year when the speech was given or by any combination of such groupings. The obvious "features" of a speech are words, which can be either present or not present in it. Once you view the problem this way the task of finding group-specific words becomes self-evident and the Fisher test is the natural solution to it. We implemented this idea and extracted "country-specific" and "time-specific" words from the speeches (other options were left out due to time constraints). As is usual the case with my favourite method, the obtained results look relevant, informative and, when shown in the form of a word cloud, fun. Check them out.

    The complete source code of the analysis scripts and the visualization application is available on Github.


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  • Posted by Konstantin 22.03.2015 4 Comments

    This is a repost of my quora answer to the question: In layman's terms, how does Naive Bayes work?

    Suppose that you are a working as a security guard at the airport. Your task is to look at people who pass the security line and pick some of them as being worthy of a more detailed screening. Now, of course, telling whether a person is a potential criminal or not by just looking at him/her is hard, if at all possible, but you need to do something. You have been put there for some reason, after all.

    One of the simplest ways to approach the problem, mentally, is the following. You assign a "risk value" for each person. At the beginning (when you don't have any information about the person at all) you set this value to zero.

    Now you start studying various features of the person in front of you: is it a male or a female? Is it a kid? Is he behaving nervously? Is he carrying a big bag? Is he alone? Did the metal detector beep? Is he a foreigner? etc. For each of those features you know (subconsciously due to your presuppositions, or from actual statistics) the average increase or decrease in risk of the person being a criminal that it entails. For example, if you know that the proportion of males among criminals is the same as the proportion of males among non-criminals, observing that a person is male will not affect his risk value at all. If, however, there are more males among criminals (suppose the percentage is, say, 70%) than among decent people (where the proportion is around 50%), observing that a person in front of you is a male will increase the "risk level" by some amount (the value is log(70%/50%) ~ 0.3, to be precise). Then you see that a person is nervous. OK, you think, 90% of criminals are nervous, but only 50% of normal people are. This means that nervousness should entail a further risk increase (of log(0.9/0.5) ~ 0.6, to be technical again, so by now you have counted a total risk value of 0.9). Then you notice it is a kid. Wow, there is only 1% of kids among criminals, but around 10% among normal people. Therefore, the risk value change due to this observation will be negative (log(0.01/0.10) ~ -2.3, so your totals are around -1.4 by now).

    You can continue this as long as you want, including more and more features, each of which will modify your total risk value by either increasing it (if you know this particular feature is more representative of a criminal) or decreasing (if the features is more representative of a decent person). When you are done collecting the features, all is left for you is to compare the result with some threshold level. Say, if the total risk value exceeds 10, you declare the person in front of you to be potentially dangerous and take it into a detailed screening.

    The benefit of such an approach is that it is rather intuitive and simple to compute. The drawback is that it does not take the cross-play of features into account. It may very well be the case that while the feature "the person is a kid" on its own greatly reduces the risk value, and the feature "has a moustache" on its own has close to no effect, a combination of the two ("a kid with a moustache") would actually have to increase the risk by a lot. This would not happen when you simply add the separate feature contributions, as described above.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 15.03.2015 2 Comments

    Anyone who has had to deal with scientific literature must have encountered Postscript (".ps") files. Although the popularity of this format is gradually fading behind the overwhelming use of PDFs, you can still find .ps documents on some major research paper repositores, such as arxiv.org or citeseerx. Most people who happen to produce those .ps or .eps documents, do it using auxiliary tools, most commonly while typesetting their papers in LaTeX, or while preparing images for those papers using a vector graphics editor (e.g. Inkscape). As a result, Postscript tends to be regarded by the majority of its users as some random intermediate file format, akin to any of the myriad of other vector graphics formats.

    I find this situation unfortunate and unfair towards Postscript. After all, PS is not your ordinary vector graphics format. It is a fully-fledged Turing-complete programming language, that is well thought through and elegant in its own ways. If it were up to me, I would include a compulsory lecture on Postscript into any modern computer science curriculum. Let me briefly show you why.

    Stack-based programming

    Firstly, PostScript is perhaps the de-facto standard example of a proper purely stack-based language in the modern world. Other languages of this group are nowadays either dead, too simpletoo niche, or not practical. Like any stack language, it looks a bit unusual, yet it is simple to reason about and its complete specification is decently short. Let me show you some examples:

    2 2 add     % 2+2 (the two numbers are pushed to the stack,
                % then the add command pops them and replaces with
                % the resulting value 4)
    /x 2 def                  % x := 2 (push symbol "x", push value 2,
                              %         pop them and create a definition)
    /y x 2 add def            % y := x + 2 (you get the idea)
    (Hello!) show             % print "Hello!"
    x 0 gt {(Yes) show} if    % if (x > 0) print "Yes"

    Adding in a couple of commands that specify font parameters and current position on the page, we may write a perfectly valid PS file that would perform arithmetic operations, e.g:

    /Courier 10 selectfont   % Font we'll be using
    72 720 moveto            % Move cursor to position (72pt, 720pt)
                             % (0, 0) is the lower-left corner
    (Hello! 2+2=) show
    2 2 add                  % Compute 2+2
    ( ) cvs                  % Convert the number to a string.
                             % (First we had to provide a 1-character
                             % string as a buffer to store the result)
    show                     % Output "4"

    Computer graphics

    Postscript has all the basic facilities you'd expect from a programming language: numbers, strings, arrays, dictionaries, loops, conditionals, basic input/output. In addition, being primarily a 2D graphics language, it has all the standard graphics primitives. Here's a triangle, for example:

    newpath           % Define a triangle
        72 720 moveto
        172 720 lineto
        72 620 lineto
    gsave             % Save current path
    10 setlinewidth   % Set stroke width
    stroke            % Stroke (destroys current path)
    grestore          % Restore saved path again
    0.5 setgray       % Set fill color
    fill              % Fill

    Postscript natively supports the standard graphics transformation stack:

    /triangle {       % Define a triangle of size 1 n the 0,0 frame
            0 0 moveto
            1 0 lineto
            0 1 lineto
    } def
    72 720 translate      % Move origin to 72, 720
    gsave                 % Push current graphics transform
        -90 rotate        % Draw a rotated triangle
        72 72 scale       % .. with 1in dimensions
    grestore              % Restore back to non-scaled, non-rotated frame
        100 0 translate   % Second triangle will be next to the first one
        32 32 scale       % .. smaller than the first one
        triangle          % .. and not rotated

    Here is the result of the code above:

    Two triangles

    Two triangles

    The most common example of using a transformation stack is drawing fractals:

    /triangle {
            0 0 moveto
            100 0 lineto
            0 -100 lineto
    } def
    /sierpinski {
        dup 0 gt
            1 sub
            gsave 0.5 0.5 scale dup sierpinski grestore
            gsave 50 0 translate 0.5 0.5 scale dup sierpinski grestore
            gsave 0 -50 translate 0.5 0.5 scale sierpinski grestore
        { pop triangle }
    } def
    72 720 translate  % Move origin to 72, 720
    5 5 scale
    5 sierpinski
    Sierpinski triangle

    Sierpinski triangle

    With some more effort you can implement nonlinear dynamic system (Mandelbrot, Julia) fractals, IFS fractals, or even proper 3D raytracing in pure PostScript. Interestingly, some printers execute PostScript natively, which means all of those computations can happen directly on your printer. Moreover, it means that you can make a document that will make your printer print infinitely many pages. So far I could not find a printer that would work that way, though.

    System access

    Finally, it is important to note that PostScript has (usually read-only) access to the information on your system. This makes it possible to create documents, the content of which depends on the user that opens it or machine where they are opened or printed. For example, the document below will print "Hello, %username", where %username is your system username:

    /Courier 10 selectfont
    72 720 moveto
    (Hi, ) show
    (LOGNAME) getenv {} {(USERNAME) getenv pop} ifelse show
    (!) show

    I am sure, for most people, downloading a research paper from arxiv.org that would greet them by name, would probably seem creepy. Hence this is probably not the kind of functionality one would exploit with good intentions. Indeed, Dominique has an awesome paper that proposes a way in which paper reviewers could possibly be deanonymized by including user-specific typos in the document. Check out the demo with the source code.

    I guess this is, among other things, one of the reasons we are going to see less and less of Postscript files around. But none the less, this language is worth checking out, even if only once.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 09.03.2015 No Comments

    Playing cards are a great tool for modeling, popularizing and explaining various mathematical and algorithmic notions. Indeed, a deck of cards is a straightforward example for a finite set, a discrete distribution or a character string. Shuffling and dealing cards represents random sampling operations. A card hand denotes information possessed by a party. Turning card face down or face up looks a lot like bit flipping. Finally, card game rules describe an instance of a particular algorithm or a protocol. I am pretty sure that for most concepts in maths or computer science you can find some card game or a card trick that is directly related to it. Here are some examples of how you can simulate a simple computing machineillustrate inductive reasoning or explain map-reduce, in particular.

    Cryptographers seem to be especially keen towards playing cards. Some cryptographic primitives could have been inspired by them. There are decently secure ciphers built upon a deck of cards. Finally, there are a couple of very enlightening card-based illustrations of such nontrivial cryptographic concepts as zero-knowledge proofs and voting protocols. The recent course on secure two-party computation given by abhi shelat at the last week's EWSCS extended my personal collection of such illustrations with another awesome example — a secure two-party protocol for computing the AND function. As I could not find a description of this protocol anywhere in the internet (and abhi did not know who is the author), I thought it was worth being written up in a blog post here (along with a small modification of my own).

    The Tinder Game

    Consider the situation, where Alice and Bob want to find out, whether they are both interested in each other (just as if they were both users of the Tinder app). More formally, suppose that Alice has her private opinion about Bob represented as a single bit (where "0" means "not interested" and "1" means "interested"). Equivalently, Bob has his private opinion about Alice represented in the same way. They need to find out whether both bits are "1". However, if it is not the case, they would like to keep their opinions private. For example, if Alice is not interested in Bob, Bob would prefer Alice not to know that he is all over her. Because, you know, opinion asymmetry may lead to awkward social dynamics when disclosed, at least among college students.

    The following simple card game happens to solve their problem. Take five cards, so that three of them are red and two are black. The cards of one color must be indistinguishable from each other (e.g. you can't simply take three different diamonds for the reds). Deal one black and one red card to Alice, one black and one red card to Bob. Put the remaining red card on the table face up.

    Initial table configuration

    Initial table configuration

    Now Alice will put her two cards face down to the left of the open card, and Bob will put his two cards to the right of the open card:

    Alice and Bob played

    Alice and Bob played

    The rules for Alice and Bob are simple: if you like the other person, put your red card next to the central red card. Otherwise, put your black card next to the central one. For example, if both Alice and Bob like each other, they would play their cards as follows (albeit still face down):

    What Alice and Bob would play if they both liked each other

    What Alice and Bob would play if they both liked each other

    Now the middle card is also turned face down, and all five cards are collected, preserving their order:

    Five cards collected, preserving order

    Five cards collected, preserving order

    Next, Alice cuts this five-card deck, moving some number of cards from the top to the bottom (Bob should not know exactly how many). Then Bob cuts the deck (also making sure that Alice does not know how many cards he cuts). The result is equivalent to applying some cyclic rotation to the five card sequence yet neither Bob nor Alice knows how many cards were shifted in total.

    The five cards can now be opened by dealing them in order onto the table to find out the result. If there happen to be three red cards one after another in a row or two black cards one after another, Alice and Bob both voted "yes". Here is one example of such a situation. It is easy to see that it is a cyclic shift of the configuration with three red aces in the middle shown above.

    Both voted "yes"

    Both voted "yes"

    Otherwise, if neither three red aces nor two black aces are side by side, we may conclude that one or both of the players voted "no". However, there is absolutely no way to find out anything more specific than that. Here is an example:

    No mutual affection (or no affection at all)

    No mutual affection (or no affection at all)

    Obviously, this result could not be obtained as a cyclic shift of the configuration with three aces clumped together. On the other hand, it could have been obtained as a cyclic shift from any of the three other alternatives ("yes-no", "no-no" and "no-yes"), hence if Alice voted "no" she will have no way of figuring out what was Bob's vote. Thus, playing cards along with a cryptographic mindset helped Alice and Bob discover their mutual affection or the lack of it without the risk of awkward situations. Isn't it great?

    Throwing in a Zero-Knowledge Proof

    There are various ways Alice or Bob can try to "break" this protocol while still trying to claim honesty. One possible example is shown below:

    Alice is trying to cheat

    Alice is trying to cheat

    Do you see what happened? Alice has put her ace upside down, which will later allow her to understand what was Bob's move (yet she can easily pretend that turning a card upside down was an honest mistake). Although the problem is easily solved by picking a deck with asymmetric backs, for the sake of example, let us assume that such a solution is somewhy unsuitable. Perhaps there are no requisite decks at Alice and Bob's disposal, or they need to have symmetric backs for some other reasons. This offers a nice possibility for us to practice even more playing card cryptography and try to secure the original algorithm from such "attacks" using a small imitation of a zero-knowledge proof for turn correctness.

    Try solving it yourself before proceeding.

    Read more...

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  • Posted by Konstantin 22.01.2015 38 Comments

    Update from year 2017: The tool described in this post DOES NOT WORK with recent versions of Skype. Either these versions stopped saving removed messages altogether, or they are doing it in a novel manner not recognized by the tool.

    In other words - you would only recover "removed" messages if you are running older version of Skype (or these messages were sent at the time you were using that older version).

    Yesterday I happened to attend a discussion about the security and privacy of information stored locally in Skype and Thunderbird profiles. It turns out, if you obtain a person's Skype profile directory, you will be able to log in as him without the need to know the password. In addition, Dominique made a remark that Skype does not really delete the messages that are marked as "removed" in the chat window. I found that curious and decided to take a closer look.

    Indeed, there is a bunch of *.dat files in the chatsync subdirectory of the Skype's profile, which preserve all messages along with all their edits or deletions. Unfortunately, the *.dat files are in some undocumented binary format, and the only tool I found for reading those lacks in features. However, hacking up a small Python parser according to what is known about the format, along with a minimalistic GUI is a single evening's exercise, and I happened to be in the mood for some random coding.

    Skype Chatsync Viewer

    Skype Chatsync Viewer

    Now, if you want to check out what was that message you or your conversation partner wrote before it was edited or deleted, this package will help. If you are not keen on installing Python packages, here is a standalone Windows executable.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 13.01.2015 No Comments

    I haven't updated this blog for quite some time, which is a shame. Before I resume I wanted to reproduce here a couple of my old posts from other places. This particular piece stems from a post on our research group's webpage from more than 8 years ago, but is about an issue that never stops popping up in practice.

    Precision of floating point numbers is a very subtle issue. It creeps up so rarely that many people (me included) would get it out of their heads completely before stumbling upon it in some unexpected place again.

    Indeed, most of the time it is not a problem at all, that floating point computations are not ideally precise, and no one cares about the small additive noise that it produces, as long as you remember to avoid exact comparisons between floats. Sometimes, however, the noise can severely spoil your day by violating the core assumptions, such as "distance is always greater than zero", or "cosine of an angle never exceeds 1".

    The following is, I think, a marvelous example, discovered by Alex, while debugging an obscure problem in one Python program. The choice of the language is absolutely irrelevant, however, so I took the liberty of presenting it here using Javascript (because this lets you reproduce it in your browser's console, if you wish). For Python fans, there is an interactive version available here as well.

    A cosine distance metric is a measure of dissimilarity of two vectors, often used in information retrieval and clustering, that is defined as follows:

        \[\mathrm{cdist}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) = 1 - \frac{\mathbf{x}^T\mathbf{y}}{|\mathbf{x}| \; |\mathbf{y}|}\]

    A straightforward way to put this definition into code is, for example, the following:

    function length(x) {
        return Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1]);
    function cosine_similarity(x, y) {
        return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1])/length(x)/length(y);
    function cosine_distance(x, y) {
        return 1 - cosine_similarity(x, y);

    Now, mathematically, the cosine distance is a valid distance function and is thus always positive. Unfortunately, the floating-point implementation of it presented above, is not the same. Check this out:

    > Math.sign(cosine_distance([6.0, 6.0], [9.0, 9.0]))
    < -1

    Please, beware of float comparisons. In particular, think twice next time you use the sign() function.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 19.03.2014 1 Comment

    Despite the popularity of Python, I find that many of its best practices are not extremely well-documented. In particular, whenever it comes to starting a new Python project, quite a lot of people would follow whatever the very first Python tutorial taught them (or whatever their IDE creates), and start churning out .py files, perhaps organizing them into subdirectories along the way. This is not a good idea. Eventually they would stumble upon problems like "how do I distribute my code""how do I manage dependencies", "where do I put documentation""how (and when) should I start writing tests for my code", etc. Dealing with those issues "later" is always much more annoying than starting with a proper project layout in the first place.

    Although there is no unique standard for a project layout, there are some established best practices. In particular (and this seems to be not very widely known), one of the easiest ways to create a new Python package (i.e., develop anything in Python that will have to be distributed later), is to make use of the paster or cookiecutter tools. Simply running

    $ paster create <package_name>


    $ cookiecutter https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage.git

    will ask you some questions and initialize a well-formed setuptools-based package layout for you. A slightly more involved yet still minimalistic starter code is provided by additional paster/cookiecutter templates, such as modern-package-template:

    $ pip install modern-package-template
    $ paster create -t modern_package <package_name>

    Naturally, every developer will tend to customize the setup, by adding the necessary tools. Moreover, the preferred setup evolves with time, as various tools and services come in and out of existence. Ten years ago, buildout or git were not yet around. Five years ago, there was no tox and nose was better than py.test. Services like Travis-CI and Github are even younger yet.

    Although I tend to experiment a lot with my setup, over the recent couple of years I seem to have converged to a fairly stable Python environment, which I decided to share as a reusable template and recommend anyone to make use of it.

    Thus, next time you plan to start a new Python project, try beginning with:

    $ pip install python_boilerplate_template
    $ paster create -t python_boilerplate <project_name>

    or, alternatively,

    $ pip install cookiecutter
    $ cookiecutter https://github.com/konstantint/cookiecutter-python-boilerplate

    More information here (for paster) or here (for cookiecutter). Contributions and constructive criticism welcome via Github.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 12.03.2014 No Comments

    Whenever you write a program, you want this program to behave correctly and do what you want it to do. Thus, programming always goes together with the mental act of proving to yourself (and sometimes to other people as well), that the code you write is correct. Most often this "proof" is implicit, dissolved in the way you write your code and comment it. In fact, in my personal opinion, "good code" is exactly the one, where a human-reviewer is able to verify its correctness without too much effort.

    It is natural to use computers to help us verify correctness. Everyone who has ever programmed in a strictly-typed programming language, such as Java or Haskell, is familiar with the need to specify types of variables and functions and follow strict rules of type-safety. But of course, ensuring type-safety is just the compiler's way to help you ensure some basic claims about the program, such as "this variable will always contain an integer" or "this function will always be invoked with exactly three parameters".

    This is very convenient, yet can be somewhat limiting or annoying at times. After all, type-safety requires you to write code that "can be type-checked". Although very often this is expected of "good code" anyway, there are situations where you would like some more flexibility. For this reason some languages impose no type-safety rules at all (e.g. Python or Javascript), and some languages let you disable type-checking for parts of code.

    Rather than disabling the type checker, another principled way to allow more flexibility is to make the type-checker smarter. This is the promise of dependent types. In principle, a language, which supports dependent types, would let you make much more detailed statements about your program and have your program automatically checked for correctness with respect to those statements. Rather than being limited to primitive claims like "this variable is an integer", the use of dependent types enables you to assert things like "this is a sorted list", or "this is an odd integer", and so on up to nearly arbitrary level of detail, in the form of a type annotation. At least that much I found out during a course at the recent winter school.

    The course was based on the Agda programming language, and the first thing I decided to try implementing in Agda is a well-typed version of the following simple function:

    f t = if t then true else 0

    It might look like something trivial, yet most traditional strictly typed languages would not let you write this. After all, a function has to have a return type, and it has to be either a Boolean or an Integer, but not both. In this case, however, we expect our function to have a parameter-dependent type:

    f : (t : Bool) → if t then Bool else Integer

    Given that Agda is designed to support dependent types, how complicated could it be to implement such a simple function? It turns out, it takes a beginner more than an hour of thinking and a couple of consultations with the specialists in the field. The resulting code will include at least three different definitions of "if-then-else" statements and, I must admit, some aspects of it are still not completely clear to me.

    IF-THEN-ELSE in Agda

    IF-THEN-ELSE in Agda, including all the boilerplate code

    This is the longest code I've ever had to write to specify a simple if-then-else statement. The point of this blog post is to share the amusement and suggest you to check out Agda if you are in the mood for some puzzle-solving.

    As for dependent types, I guess those are not becoming mainstream any time soon.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 20.01.2014 No Comments

    Bitcoin is a cryptographic currency, that has gained a lot of hype in the last year. From a technical perspective, it is simply a distributed timestamping scheme, fully dedicated to establishing the order of monetary transactions, by creating a long block chain.

    Adding a new block to the block chain requires extremely expensive distributed computations. Thus, in terms of the amount of energy, invested by the users worldwide into its creation, the block chain is, at the moment, probably the most expensive computer-generated file in human history. A monument to the raw "computation for the sake of computation". The Bitcoin network by now includes hundreds of thousands of users, most of whom keep a full copy of the block chain and contribute to its further growth.

    Timestamping hash, published in a paper

    All that means that including any information into the block chain can act as a solid timestamp, proving the existence of this information at a particular point in time. It is nearly impossible to fake or revoke. Even if the Bitcoin network would cease working, the block chain would probably be kept around at least as a curious artifact (as well as an object of interest for data miners) . The idea is equivalent to a popular practice of timestamping information by publishing it in a widely distributed newspaper. However, publishing in a popular newspaper may be costly, while getting transactions into the block chain is nearly free and accessible to anyone.

    Consequently, it seems obvious that sooner or later the bitcoin block chain must begin to be used for timestamping things other than transactions. Because trusted timestamping is a big deal. Everyone in Estonia knows that.

    Unfortunately, it seems that although the idea has been mentioned before, there do not seem to be any convenient services developed for that, apart from BTProof, which is somewhat too simplistic, given the potential importance of the task at hand. In an attempt to perhaps inspire someone to consider imlementing a more serious service of this kind, let me give a brief overview of the ways to get your data into the block chain.

    Smuggling your data into the block chain

    If only Bitcoin transactions were allowed to have textual descriptions assigned to them, the task would be trivial: any piece of information you want to timestamp could be simply mentioned in the description of a transaction. However, this functionality is not part of the Bitcoin protocol, so we have to use tricks. At least three different techniques are possible here.

    1.  Specifying your data as a destination address.

    Each Bitcoin transaction includes a "destination address", which is a 34-character string in hex-like encoding. This address may be specified arbitrarily. Thus, by transferring any amount to an address, which itself is the hash of the information you need timestamped, you will have the fact of information's existence mentioned in the block chain for future generations to behold. This is the idea behind BTProof. There are several problems with this method. Most importantly, anything you transfer to a nonexistent address will get lost forever, with no one being able to claim it. This makes the process non-free, because you cannot have transactions of size 0. Moreover, very small transactions are unfavoured by the Bitcoin network and take a long time to get verified. Finally, leaving "unclaimed" transactions forever hanging in the block chain is somewhat indecent in the first place, isn't it?

    The abovementioned drawbacks may be addressed using multi-signature transactions. Those are a special type of transactions, which allow the funds to be claimed by any one of several addresses. In this case one address can be used to encode the hash and another one — to reclaim the funds spent in the transaction back. This concept has been suggested as the way to carry arbitrary data on top of Bitcoin in the MasterCoin project.

    2. Specifying your data as a destination private key.

    Rather than converting the data you need timestamped into a (non-existent) address, you can turn it into a private key. You can then perform two transactions. The first one  transfers funds to an address, corresponding to this private key, and next one uses the private key to withdraw the funds back to you. As there is a fixed mapping from your data to the private key to the address that the funds went through, you have just included a trace of your data into the block chain. This method is mentioned here. The drawback is the need for two transactions, and the overall complexity of the scheme.

    3. Specifying your data in the script.

    Finally, the last two places in a bitcoin transaction, which allow custom data, are the two "script" fields. Namely, the act of depositing funds to a transaction in Bitcoin is not as simple as providing the target address. Instead, it is a script, that, when executed, is supposed to check the right of the receiver to obtain the funds. Similarly, the act of withdrawing funds from Bitcoin is expressed by a script that proves the rights of the owner.

    For example, a typical "deposition script" looks as follows:

    OP_PUSHDATAx <target_address>

    This script means that in order to withdraw the funds, the receiver must push on the stack a signature of the transaction, followed by his public key. The script then starts executing by first duplicating (OP_DUP) the top value on the stack, the public key. It then applies a hash function (OP_HASH160) to the top value on the stack (this converts the public key to an address). Then another value is pushed onto the stack (OP_PUSHDATAx). Next, two top values are popped and checked for equality (OP_EQUALVERIFY). This verifies, that the receiver's address matches <target_address>. Finally, the OP_CHECKSIG command pops another two values from the stack (those are the signature and the public key now, remember), and verifies the correctness of the signature.

    The beauty of the system is that it lets you create various rules for claiming funds apart from simply owning a private key to an address. For example, it is possible to create transactions which require multiple parties to collude to withdraw them. Or you may require the receiver of the funds to solve a puzzle. Or you may even put the funds up for anyone to take freely, etc.

    What is important for our purposes, however, is that the scripting language is rather flexible. In particular, it lets you add useless commands, such as "push this data onto stack, then drop the top value from stack, then continue as normal:"

    OP_PUSHDATAx <any_data> 
    OP_PUSHDATAx <target_address>

    This logic could be included in either the "depositing" or the "receiving" script, letting you essentially provide arbitrary "notes" in transactions and thus do timestamp data in the most reasonable way. This lets you timestamp using a single transaction, which recurrently transfers any amount from an address to itself.

    Unfortunately, it seems that the freedom of scripting has been severely limited in the recent versions of Bitcoin software. Namely, transactions with any nonstandard scripts are simply declined from inclusion into a block (at least, none of my attempts to try this out succeeded). Even the fate of multi-signature transactions, mentioned in point 1 (which are just a particular kind of a script) is not completely clear. In any case, the Bitcoin specification will most probably evolve to eventually allow storing dedicated data packets in the block chain without the need to resort to hacks. And if not Bitcoin, perhaps such functionality will become part of one of the competing similar cryptocurrencies.

    It seems unreasonable to run a huge distributed timestamping algorithm, and not let people use it for general-purpose timestamping, doesn't it?

    Update: Given the recent problems related to the transaction malleability aspect of the protocol, it is easy to predict that the freedom of scripting will probably be limited even further in the future. However, eventually support must be added for storing a custom nonce into the signed transaction (as it seems to be the only reasonable way to make transactions uniquely identifiable despite malleability of their hash). That nonce would be a perfect candidate for general-purpose timestamping purposes.

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  • Posted by Konstantin 01.04.2013 1 Comment

    CrapCon is a fun evening session, which traditionally takes place at the annual Estonian Winter School on Computer Science (EWSCS), where participants of EWSCS are welcome to make short random nonsensical talks, prepared earlier on the same day during the lectures.

    The following is my presentation from this year's CrapCon. The first part of it, as is customary for most CrapCon talks, makes fun of the topics being taught during the school, hence it might not make much sense outside the context of the event. The second part is fairly general (and totally serious!), though.

    If you find that amusing, certainly check out the talk by Taivo Lints, which is, I think, among the best examples of computer-science-related abstract humor.


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